May 22, 2024, 2:04 a.m. | /u/Excellent_Cost170

Data Science

is prompting the only way to obtain output from LLMs/foundation models? Even in RAG-based systems, are you combining prompts and context as the final prompt for some LLMs?

context datascience foundation llms prompt prompting prompts rag systems

Senior Data Engineer

@ Displate | Warsaw

Professor/Associate Professor of Health Informatics [LKCMedicine]

@ Nanyang Technological University | NTU Novena Campus, Singapore

Research Fellow (Computer Science (and Engineering)/Electronic Engineering/Applied Mathematics/Perception Sciences)

@ Nanyang Technological University | NTU Main Campus, Singapore

Java Developer - Assistant Manager

@ State Street | Bengaluru, India

Senior Java/Python Developer

@ General Motors | Austin IT Innovation Center North - Austin IT Innovation Center North

Research Associate (Computer Engineering/Computer Science/Electronics Engineering)

@ Nanyang Technological University | NTU Main Campus, Singapore