May 22, 2024, 4:46 a.m. | Ao Mou, Yukang Lu, Jiahao He, Dingyao Min, Keren Fu, Qijun Zhao

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arXiv:2310.15482v2 Announce Type: replace
Abstract: Given the widespread adoption of depth-sensing acquisition devices, RGB-D videos and related data/media have gained considerable traction in various aspects of daily life. Consequently, conducting salient object detection (SOD) in RGB-D videos presents a highly promising and evolving avenue. Despite the potential of this area, SOD in RGB-D videos remains somewhat under-explored, with RGB-D SOD and video SOD (VSOD) traditionally studied in isolation. To explore this emerging field, this paper makes two primary contributions: the …

arxiv detection object replace rgb-d type videos

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